How Do Thermal Spray Chillers Work?

thermal spray chiller use

Too hot, too cold, and just right: sounds just like the Goldilocks story, doesn’t it? We think you and Goldilocks have something in common because you’re both looking for that sweet spot—Goldilocks with her porridge and you with a thermal spray chiller. Stick with us and we’ll explain (and we promise to give you a “just right” solution at the end).

What Does Thermal Spray Do?

The enemy of all industrial equipment is wear and tear. Erosion, heat damage, abrasion, and corrosion are inevitable. But what if there was a product that improved and restored metal surfaces for a longer shelf life? Enter thermal spray.

With a thermal spray system, a company’s equipment can get a little extra help in the form of a coating of metals, ceramics, or plastics. The high bonding characteristics of these materials offer thermal protection and resistance to wear and corrosion.

How Does Thermal Spray Work?

Just like any sort of spray gun, a thermal spray system applies a product through a high-pressure nozzle. But two things make thermal spray unique: the nozzle heats the coating material to its melting point and converts it to plasma as it’s applied.

This improves the bonding characteristics and coat uniformity. While those are two great benefits of thermal spray, it requires a lot of heat to turn solid materials into plasma. So, not only does the thermal spray system have to handle a lot of heat, but it also needs to regulate that heat. There’s a sweet spot between preventing the nozzle from melting and avoiding clogs from the nozzle being too cold.

And even if you’re able to control the temperature of your nozzle, unfiltered water can also wreak havoc on your cooling system. Without proper filtration, mineral deposits can cause blockages and corrosion.

Is a Chiller a Good Option for a Thermal Spray System?

Chillers are cooling units that circulate a liquid (usually water) to remove heat from equipment or processes. In the case of thermal spray systems, they regulate the temperature of the coolant to ensure optimal performance. We use some fancy tech (like closed-loop sensor feedback and variable speed drives) to maintain a consistent temperature while also conserving energy.

But not just any chiller will do—thermal spray chillers require specific filtration to prevent mineral buildup and corrosion. And with the added heat from thermal spray, it’s important to have a chiller that can handle high temperatures without overworking itself.

So, if you’re looking for something “just right” to cool your thermal spray system, a thermal spray chiller is the solution. With the right equipment, you can achieve improved coat uniformity and increased equipment longevity—all thanks to a little bit of cooling power.

Keep it Cool With KKT Chillers

What would be the point of investing in equipment if you’re not able to keep it running? A chiller can make your investment last longer, improve efficiency, and save you money in the long run.

For over 30 years, customers have been coming to us for their cooling needs. Our team of experts will work with you to find the perfect solution for your thermal spray system—even if that means customizing a chiller for your specific equipment and process.

So don’t sweat it; give KKT Chillers a call and we’ll help you find exactly what you need!